This Data Wrangling with Python training course starts with the absolute basics of Python, focusing mainly on data structures. It then delves into the fundamental tools of data wrangling like NumPy and Pandas libraries. You’ll explore useful insights into why you should stay away from traditional ways of data cleaning, as done in other languages, and take advantage of the specialized pre-built routines in Python. This combination of Python tips and tricks will also demonstrate how to use the same Python backend and extract/transform data from an array of sources including the Internet, large database vaults, and Excel financial tables. To help you prepare for more challenging scenarios, you’ll cover how to handle missing or wrong data, and reformat it based on the requirements from the downstream analytics tool. The course will further help you grasp concepts through real-world examples and datasets.
- Use and manipulate complex and simple data structures
- Harness the full potential of DataFrames and numpy.array at run time
- Perform web scraping with BeautifulSoup4 and html5lib
- Execute advanced string search and manipulation with RegEX
- Handle outliers and perform data imputation with Pandas
- Use descriptive statistics and plotting techniques
- Practice data wrangling and modeling using data generation techniques