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This Go language programming training course will help you understand how Go works, and immediately be more productive. If you are building a team using Go, this will be a great opportunity to get your team on the same page and speaking the same language. The materials and presentation focus on teaching students how to write clear and robust code to create real-world solutions. Innovative lab exercises and code samples are provided to reinforce skills and quickly master the topics.

This three-day Golang training course includes time for instructor presentation, instructor-led demos, hands-on lab time, and Q&A. If customization is required, the class duration may change.

What you will learn
•    Learn the basic structural elements of a Go program
•    Learn to use the basic types, aggregate types, reference types, and interfaces
•    Learn error-handling strategies
•    Learn to compose types and implement encapsulation
•    Learn how to create a method (receiver function) on a struct
•    Learn how and when to use pointers
•    Learn how to use the interface type to enforce a contract
•    Learn how and when to use anonymous functions
•    Learn how to send and receive data using channels
•    Learn concurrency and synchronization techniques
•    And much more!

Attendees will be provided with course materials which include the coursebook in pdf format, dozens of examples of Go, and lab solutions. Example programs are intentionally small and easy to understand, to focus on the language without getting sidetracked by complicated algorithms or data structures.


Go Language Essentials Training

Course Code



4 Days

Course Fee




Target Audience

Experienced programmers. See attendee requirements below.

Attendee Requirements

  • Students attending this Golang training should have at least 6 months experience programming in a language such as Java, C / C++, C#.
  • Experience programming in a scripting language such as JavaScript or Python is also sufficient.
  • No prior experience with Go is assumed or required.


Monday 10 March - Thursday 13 March (4 days) 09.30 - 17.00
 Live Online GMT +00:00
Monday 24 March - Thursday 27 March (4 days) 09.30 - 17.00
 Live Online GMT +00:00
Monday 07 April - Thursday 10 April (4 days) 09.30 - 17.00
 Live Online GMT +01:00
Monday 14 April - Thursday 17 April (4 days) 09.30 - 17.00
 Live Online GMT +01:00

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Course Description

This Go language programming training course will help you understand how Go works, and immediately be more productive. If you are building a team using Go, this will be a great opportunity to get your team on the same page and speaking the same language. The materials and presentation focus on teaching students how to write clear and robust code to create real-world solutions. Innovative lab exercises and code samples are provided to reinforce skills and quickly master the topics.

This three-day Golang training course includes time for instructor presentation, instructor-led demos, hands-on lab time, and Q&A. If customization is required, the class duration may change.

What you will learn
•    Learn the basic structural elements of a Go program
•    Learn to use the basic types, aggregate types, reference types, and interfaces
•    Learn error-handling strategies
•    Learn to compose types and implement encapsulation
•    Learn how to create a method (receiver function) on a struct
•    Learn how and when to use pointers
•    Learn how to use the interface type to enforce a contract
•    Learn how and when to use anonymous functions
•    Learn how to send and receive data using channels
•    Learn concurrency and synchronization techniques
•    And much more!

Attendees will be provided with course materials which include the coursebook in pdf format, dozens of examples of Go, and lab solutions. Example programs are intentionally small and easy to understand, to focus on the language without getting sidetracked by complicated algorithms or data structures.


Course Outline

1)    Introduction to Go
•    Learn the features and origins of Go
•    Install and configure Go on your OS
•    Choose an IDE
•    Review Go Packages

2)    Getting Started
•    Learn the basic components of the Go language
•    Examine several common programming tasks
•    Utilize the built-in library
•    Examine keywords and names
•    Learn to declare variables and constants
•    Review variable lifetime and scope
•    Define and use pointers

3)    Working with Basic Data Types
•    Examine and work with numbers, strings, and bools
•    Understand the importance of UTF-8 in Go
•    Use standard packages to manipulate strings
•    Use the constant generator

4)    Arrays, Slices, and Maps
•    Use and understand the relationship of arrays and slices
•    Extend slices using the built-In append function
•    Learn slicing techniques
•    Create hash tables using the map data type

5)    Structs
•    Create user defined data types using struct
•    Use struct literal syntax
•    Learn the rules of comparing structs
•    Learn the mechanism of struct embedding
•    Learn how and when to use anonymous fields

6)    Functions
•    Declare and call a function
•    Return multiple values from a function
•    Define a variadic function
•    Create a recursive function
•    Define and use function objects
•    Define and use anonymous functions
•    When and how to use deferred functions

7)    Error Handling
•    Error-handling strategies
•    Dealing with errors: panic and recover

8)    Methods
•    Review object-oriented programming
•    Use structs to build software models
•    Use methods with a pointer receiver
•    Data hiding and encapsulation

9)    Interfaces
•    Create and use interfaces to enforce a contract
•    Understand interface satisfaction
•    Interface type assertions and switches

10)    I/O and networking
•    Work with common file operations
•    JSON serialization and marshalling
•    Http client and server implementations
•    Build a simple http server
•    REST: Post and retrieve JSON

11)    Goroutines and Concurrency
•    The need for concurrency
•    Overview of Goroutines and Channels
•    Use buffered and unbuffered channels
•    Use select to wait on multiple channels
•    Use a mutex to guard access to a critical section


Learning Path

There are many courses that might interest you. Here are a few, though if you wish to discuss which of our programmes best suits your current skill level, please feel free to contact us.

Ways to Attend

Attend LIVE ONLINE training, either for a private team, or scheduled training.

Private Team Training is available for this course

We deliver this course either on or off-site in various regions around the world, and can customise your delivery to suit your exact business needs. Talk to us about how we can fine-tune a course to suit your team's current skillset and ultimate learning objectives.

Private Team Training | Contact us

Technical ICT learning & mentoring services

Private Team Training

Our instructors are specialist consultants with vast real world experience and expertise allowing them to design and deliver client-focused courses for your organisation.

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What Our Clients Say

"Absolutely fantastic training. Thoroughly enjoyed it thanks to our highly enthusiastic tutor.  It wouldn't be an understatement to say that it was the best professional training that I have ever received."


Customised Linux with Networking

Live Online -  February 2022


“It was very positive. This course was 4 days but covered a semester worth of work if it was done in college. The labs were relevant and delegates were provided the lab/coursebook for further study and practice after the course finished. GuruTeam's course was excellent and provides a deeper understanding of the architecture and how it all works. The hands-on aspect was very helpful as it helped solidify the concepts as I went along."


Kubernetes Administration Certification - GTLFK

Live Online September 2024




“The Instructor was very knowledgeable, laid back and very approachable during the course. The environment setup was second to none.  Very easy to jump in and follow along with minimal pre-req setup."

Kubernetes Administration Certification - GTLFK

Onsite May 2024


“The experience was complete for me. I like how the training was sequenced - the slides organization, the examples and explanations and then the exercises. Time for exercises and support by the Instructor was great plus answering the questions and going out for answers and coming back with examples as brilliant. I loved how much I refreshed and how I learned and got inspired to improve stuff at work.”


Docker - GTDK1

Live Online December 2024


“Great instructor, who encouraged active participation. The breakout groups and exercises kept the group engaged and the content relevant to our own products”.


Site Reliability Engineering Foundation - GTDSRE

Live Online January 2022




"Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet
getting the work done"

Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux and GIT

Technical ICT learning & mentoring services

About GuruTeam

GuruTeam is a high-level ICT Learning, Mentoring and Consultancy services company. We specialise in delivering instructor-led on and off-site training in Blockchain, Linux, Cloud, Big Data, DevOps, Kubernetes, Agile, Software & Web Development technologies. View our Testimonials

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Upcoming Courses

Kubernetes Admin

10th - 13th March 2025
24th -27th March 2025
    7th - 10th April 2025
  14th - 17th April 2025

 Live Online
 GMT +00:00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

This Kubernetes Administration
Certification training course is
suitable for anyone who wants
to learn  the skills necessary to build and administer a Kubernetes cluster.




10th - 13th March 2025
24th -27th March 2025
    7th - 10th April 2025
  14th - 17th April 2025

 Live Online
 GMT +00:00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

This Rust programming training course will help you understand what Rust applications look like, how to write Rust applications properly, and how to get the most out of the language and its libraries.

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19th - 21st March 2025


Live Online
GMT +00.00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

Python is a powerful and popular object-oriented programming/
scripting language with many high quality libraries.


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10th - 13th March 2025
24th -27th March 2025
    7th - 10th April 2025
  14th - 17th April 2025

Live Online
GMT +00:00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

This Go language programming training course will help you understand how Go works, and immediately be more productive. If you are building a team using Go, this will be a great opportunity to get your team on the same page and speaking the same language.

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