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HTML5 is a major revision of the HTML standard. A collection of new features - rich typography, native audio & video, powerful drawing and image manipulation API – allow you to create web pages with unparalleled user experience. Native HTML has many benefits over Flash and enterprise developers will be asked to use it more and more. This Enterprise Web Development using HTML5 training course is meant for experienced HTML developers who are already familiar with web site development. They will be able to upgrade their skills to the HTML5 level. Lab exercises are done using plain text editor. This allows you to have a close contact with the HTML5 syntax.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand the history of HTML5 and current browser support for it
  • Know when to use Flash and when to use HTML5
  • Create meaningful structure for the document using the semantic elements
  • Use the new HTML5 input types
  • Validate form without any JavaScript
  • Draw shapes, images, and text using the canvas element
  • Play back music and videos without requiring a special plug-in using the music and video elements
  • Pinpoint the user’s location using the Geolocation API
  • Store information on the client side using the Web Storage, Web SQL Database, and Indexed Database APIs
  • Build offline applications to allow users to be productive when there's no Internet connection
  • Build multi-threaded client applications that take better advantage of multi-core machines using the Web Worker API and Messaging API
  • Build push-based applications using the WebSocket API, so the server can initiate communicates with the client

Enterprise Web Development using HTML5

Course Code



2 Days

Course Fee




Target Audience

  • Current professional web designers and developers who want to upgrade their skills to HTML5.

Attendee Requirements

Knowledge of HTML and previous web page design experience.

Many of the new HTML 5 features, such as canvas and geolocation, require extensive use of JavaScript.

The above skills are taught in the following courses:

If you have any questions or doubts as to whether you meet the pre-requisites for this course, or indeed are wondering which course best suits you, please contact us to discuss your suitability for course attendance.

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Course Description

HTML5 is a major revision of the HTML standard. A collection of new features - rich typography, native audio & video, powerful drawing and image manipulation API – allow you to create web pages with unparalleled user experience. Native HTML has many benefits over Flash and enterprise developers will be asked to use it more and more. This Enterprise Web Development using HTML5 training course is meant for experienced HTML developers who are already familiar with web site development. They will be able to upgrade their skills to the HTML5 level. Lab exercises are done using plain text editor. This allows you to have a close contact with the HTML5 syntax.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand the history of HTML5 and current browser support for it
  • Know when to use Flash and when to use HTML5
  • Create meaningful structure for the document using the semantic elements
  • Use the new HTML5 input types
  • Validate form without any JavaScript
  • Draw shapes, images, and text using the canvas element
  • Play back music and videos without requiring a special plug-in using the music and video elements
  • Pinpoint the user’s location using the Geolocation API
  • Store information on the client side using the Web Storage, Web SQL Database, and Indexed Database APIs
  • Build offline applications to allow users to be productive when there's no Internet connection
  • Build multi-threaded client applications that take better advantage of multi-core machines using the Web Worker API and Messaging API
  • Build push-based applications using the WebSocket API, so the server can initiate communicates with the client
Course Outline


  1.     History of HTML5
  2.     HTML5 Standards Body
  3.     New Features of HTML5
  4.     Current Browser Support for HTML5
  5.     Detecting Support for HTML5
  6.     HTML5 vs. Flash
  7.     Replacing Flash with HTML5


  1.     What Is HTML5
  2.     HTML5 Goals
  3.     HTML Specs, Past and Present
  4.     How Is HTML5 Different From HTML4?
  5.     HTML5 Is Not Based On SGML
  6.     More Differences
  7.     HTML5 Defines Required Processing For Invalid Documents
  8.     The Doctype Declaration
  9.     Semantic Elements
  10.     The <aside> Element
  11.     Browser Support For HTML5


  1.     Function over Form
  2.     HTML4 Layouts
  3.     HTML5 Semantic Layouts
  4.     Nesting Semantics
  5.     Other New Semantic Elements
  6.     The <time> Element
  7.     WAI-ARIA
  8.     The <ruby> and <rt> Elements
  9.     The <rp> Element
  10.     The <keygen> Element


  1.     The form Attribute
  2.     The placeholder Attribute
  3.     New Form Field Types
  4.     Forms and Validation
  5.     The required Attribute
  6.     The number input type
  7.     The pattern Attribute
  8.     The range and date input types
  9.     The <datalist> Element
  10.     The autofocus and oninput Attributes
  11.     HTML5 CSS Pseudo-Classes


  1.     The <canvas> Element
  2.     <canvas> vs. <svg>
  3.     Browser Support for <canvas>
  4.     Creating the Canvas
  5.     Using the Context
  6.     Using Color
  7.     Painting Gradients
  8.     Drawing Paths
  9.     Painting Patterns
  10.     Transformers


  1.     HTML5 Video/Audio Overview
  2.     New Elements for Video/Audio
  3.     Using the <audio> Element
  4.     The <video> Element
  5.     Specifying More Than One Audio or Video File
  6.     The poster Attribute
  7.     Other <audio> and <video> Attributes
  8.     JavaScript and Media Elements


  1.     Geolocation Concepts
  2.     How Does it Work?
  3.     Users Need to Agree!
  4.     Geolocation API
  5.     Functions and Options
  6.     Example
  7.     Success Function
  8.     Error Function
  9.     Options
  10.     watchPosition


  1.     Data Storage
  2.     Data Storage Options
  3.     Web Storage
  4.     Programming Interface – Storage/Retrieval
  5.     Programming Interface – Enumerating the Values
  6.     Programming Interface – Removing Items
  7.     Example – Storing a value
  8.     Example – Retrieving a value
  9.     Example – Listing all the keys
  10.     “Expandos”
  11.     Storing JavaScript Objects
  12.     Retrieving JavaScript Objects
  13.     Web SQL Databases
  14.     Using a Web SQL Database
  15.     Running Queries
  16.     Running Queries (cont’d)
  17.     Reading Values
  18.     IndexedDB
  19.     IndexedDB Terminology
  20.     Opening a Database
  21.     Creating an Object Store
  22.     Loading the Store Shelves
  23.     Browsing the Shelves
  24.     Storage Considerations


  1.     Offline Concepts
  2.     The Cache Manifest File
  3.     Contents of the Cache Manifest
  4.     Serving the Cache Manifest
  5.     applicationCache


  1.     Drag and Drop
  2.     Drag and Drop Events
  3.     Some Example Code
  4.     Discussion of Sample Code
  5.     Preparing Data to be Dragged
  6.     Summary


  1.     Communicating Between Components
  2.     WebWorkers for MultiThreading
  3.     Using a Worker
  4.     Sending Data to the Worker
  5.     Receiving Data from the Worker
  6.     What the Worker Can Do
  7.     Using Scripts inside a Worker
  8.     SharedWorker
  9.     SharedWorkers – Client Side
  10.     SharedWorkers – Worker Side
  11.     Web Sockets
  12.     Web Socket Usage
  13.     Some Considerations

Lab Exercises

Lab 1. Create a Basic HTML5 Layout
Lab 2. New HTML5 Semantic Elements
Lab 3. Add More Semantic Value to Your Page with HTML5
Lab 4. Improve Your Forms Using HTML5
Lab 5. Drawing Using the Canvas Element
Lab 6. Dynamic Drawing Using the Canvas Element
Lab 7. Audio/Video Playback
Lab 8. Geolocation
Lab 9. Web Storage
Lab 10. Web SQL Database

Learning Path

There are a number of options of suitable follow-on courses, depending on your business needs. Please contact us for further details.

Ways to Attend
  • Attend a public course, if there is one available. Please check our schedule, or register your interest in joining a course in your area.
  • Private onsite Team training also available, please contact us to discuss. We can customise this course to suit your business requirements.

Private Team Training is available for this course

We deliver this course either on or off-site in various regions around the world, and can customise your delivery to suit your exact business needs. Talk to us about how we can fine-tune a course to suit your team's current skillset and ultimate learning objectives.

Private Team Training | Contact us

Technical ICT learning & mentoring services

Private Team Training

Our instructors are specialist consultants with vast real world experience and expertise allowing them to design and deliver client-focused courses for your organisation.

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What Our Clients Say

"Absolutely fantastic training. Thoroughly enjoyed it thanks to our highly enthusiastic tutor.  It wouldn't be an understatement to say that it was the best professional training that I have ever received."


Customised Linux with Networking

Live Online -  February 2022


“It was very positive. This course was 4 days but covered a semester worth of work if it was done in college. The labs were relevant and delegates were provided the lab/coursebook for further study and practice after the course finished. GuruTeam's course was excellent and provides a deeper understanding of the architecture and how it all works. The hands-on aspect was very helpful as it helped solidify the concepts as I went along."


Kubernetes Administration Certification - GTLFK

Live Online September 2024




“The Instructor was very knowledgeable, laid back and very approachable during the course. The environment setup was second to none.  Very easy to jump in and follow along with minimal pre-req setup."

Kubernetes Administration Certification - GTLFK

Onsite May 2024


“Very engaging and practical course so hope to be able to put the learning into practice.”


Being Agile in Business - GTBAB

Live Online September 2021


“Great instructor, who encouraged active participation. The breakout groups and exercises kept the group engaged and the content relevant to our own products”.


Site Reliability Engineering Foundation - GTDSRE

Live Online January 2022




"Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet
getting the work done"

Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux and GIT

Technical ICT learning & mentoring services

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GuruTeam is a high-level ICT Learning, Mentoring and Consultancy services company. We specialise in delivering instructor-led on and off-site training in Blockchain, Linux, Cloud, Big Data, DevOps, Kubernetes, Agile, Software & Web Development technologies. View our Testimonials

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Kubernetes Administration

4th - 7th November 2024

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4th - 7th November 2024

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GMT +01:00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

This course will help you understand what Rust applications look like, how to write Rust applications properly, and how to get the most out of the language and its libraries.






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15th - 17th October 2024
29th - 31st October 2024

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   GMT +01:00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

  Python is a powerful and 
  popular object-oriented 
 language with many high q
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4th to 7th November 2024

Live Online      

GMT +01:00  09:30 - 17:00 hrs

This Go language programming training course will help you understand how Go works, and immediately be more productive. If you are building a team using Go, this will be a great opportunity to get your team on the same page and speaking the same language. Innovative lab exercises and code samples are provided to reinforce skills and quickly master the topics.

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