Introduction to Web development and JavaScript
Architecture of a Web application
Core Web technologies
DOM scripting and AJAX
Cross-browser compatibility
JavaScript Essential Syntax
Declaring variables and arrays
Using operators and expressions
Loops and decision-making constructs
Alert, confirmation and prompt boxes
Regular expressions
JavaScript Objects
Overview of objects
The Object type
Extending, modifying, and deleting an object
Inheriting properties and methods
cascading methods
Using predefined objects
Manipulating arrays
Creating new object types
HTML Forms
Overview of HTML forms
Accessing elements in a form
Validating user input
Window and Document Management
Interacting with the browser
Managing windows
Interacting with the status bar
Using timeouts, frames, and cookies
Managing documents
Detecting nodes
Searching for nodes
Adding content to the page
Advanced Event Handling
The core event model
Understanding the Event object
Event propagation
Cross-browser events
How to script CSS
Types of style sheets
Modifying styles of an element
CSS and positioning
Object models for DHTML
Using jQuery
Overview of jQuery
jQuery selector syntax
Examples of jQuery selectors
Ajax Programming
Overview of Ajax
Creating an XMLHttpRequest object
Interacting with a server
Handling XML and JSON responses
Updating the user interface
jQuery Ajax support
Examples of jQuery and Ajax
Using jQueryUI
Overview of jQuery UI
Downloading and installing jQuery UI
Simple jQuery UI example
jQuery UI demos