Success of many organizations depends on their ability to derive business insights from massive amount of raw data coming from various sources.
This Spark Fundamentals training course offers many engineering improvements over the traditional MapReduce programming model as implemented in Hadoop by providing multi-pass in-memory processing of data which boosts the overall performance of your ETL and machine-learning algorithms.
This high-octane Spark training course provides theoretical and technical aspects of Spark programming. The course teaches developers Spark fundamentals, APIs, common programming idioms and more.
This Spark Fundamentals training course is supplemented by hands-on labs that help attendees reinforce their theoretical knowledge of the learned material and quickly get them up to speed on using Spark for data exploration.
- Elements of functional programming
- Spark Shell
- RDDs
- Parallel processing in Spark
- Spark SQL
- ETL with Spark
- MLib Machine Learning Library
- Graph Processing with GraphX
- Spark Streaming