The Cloud Technology Associate Certification training course defines cloud computing and virtualization, and explains the benefits and applications. The course provides a basic introduction to cloud technologies. Participants are also introduced to the risks of cloud computing and methods for managing these risks. The final part of the course enables participants to analytically form a decision making process for the adoption of cloud, breaking down cloud service management in detail. This certification enables IT professionals to operate effectively in a cloud environment, demonstrating an understanding of the key concepts and relevant terminology. Furthermore, it provides the foundation needed in order to successfully complete subsequent technical training/certification programs. The CTA also acts as a baseline for the subsequent CCC Professional level certifications though it is not a requirement.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and virtualization including business benefits of cloud computing and technical aspects (high-level) of virtualization.
- Identify the technical challenges and the mitigation measures involved in cloud computing and virtualization.
- Identify the characteristics of cloud applications.
- List the steps to successfully adopt cloud services.
- Define cloud security and identify the risks involved in cloud computing as well as the risk mitigation measures.
- List the factors involved for implementation of different cloud models.
Did you know…
In June 2018, listed the Cloud Credential Council certifications as one of the most valuable Cloud certifications in the market today (report available on these links einpresswire and A core value of the CCC is to enable digital-ready professionals and organisations.
GuruTeam is Ireland’s CCC Accredited Training Partner, offering public and private instructor-led courses in Ireland, UK and Europe.